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Jose Ardito
2 Min. de lectura
Ensalada de Pesto muy navideña
Ya se que estoy transgrediendo la receta original del pesto Genovese, pero estoy seguro de que si lo haces a mi modo, nunca mas volverás...
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Jose Ardito
3 Min. de lectura
Tagliatelle con Pesto, Sencillisimo
This pesto pasta, in one of our favorite dishes, super fast to make and above all full of flavor. Highly recommended for a meatless Monday!
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Jose Ardito
4 Min. de lectura
Singular y Asombrosa Lasaña
This is a unique and amazing version of the traditional Lasagna .. Ardito's Kitchen style. You will surely love it!
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Jose Ardito
2 Min. de lectura
Chimichurri Casero, a Prueba de Fallos
I think that all Latin countries have their version of chimichurri, that homemade sauce made from parsley that goes well with any meal!
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Jose Ardito
2 Min. de lectura
Omelette de mozarella y albahaca
You won´t see the eggs on the same way after trying this light and rich omelette that just take 10 minutes to be ready.
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