Jose Ardito2 min.Patacones con queso y hogaoPlantain is one of those foods that can be eaten in many ways, today we are going to use it green and fried to accompany our delicious meal!
Jose Ardito2 min.Champiñones Portobello al AjilloThis fabulous tray of Portobello can be your main course or a delicious and fresh garnish or accompaniment if you are not vegetarian
Jose Ardito2 min.Chimichurri Casero, a Prueba de FallosI think that all Latin countries have their version of chimichurri, that homemade sauce made from parsley that goes well with any meal!
Jose Ardito2 min.Omelette de mozarella y albahaca You won´t see the eggs on the same way after trying this light and rich omelette that just take 10 minutes to be ready.