Jose Ardito3 Min. de lecturaMenestra de Frijoles, EcuadorHello everyone, today we will prepare red bean stew, but with this same recipe you can prepare black beans, white beans or whatever you want
Jose Ardito1 Min. de lecturaChicharrones de Cerdo Alone or as an accompaniment to other dishes, chicharrones are delicious!
Jose Ardito2 Min. de lecturaPatacones con queso y hogaoPlantain is one of those foods that can be eaten in many ways, today we are going to use it green and fried to accompany our delicious meal!
Jose Ardito4 Min. de lecturaTorta de 3 lechesHola a todos, hoy haremos mi torta favorita de todo el mundo, es super sencilla y siempre sale deliciosa.